Join the VOLARÉ Institute Cohort 1!

The VOLARÉ Institute is excited to announce the opening of applications for Cohort 1. Designed to enhance research capacity at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), this initiative offers a unique opportunity to collaborate, innovate, and grow your STEM initiatives.

Program Overview:

The VOLARÉ Institute aims to establish a series of research capacity-building institutes for HSIs. Each Institute will run a yearlong program aimed at broadening participation in STEM and cultivating a new research workforce at HSIs. The initiative leverages HACU's extensive network to provide accessible tools and information, fostering a robust and inclusive national research system.

The VOLARÉ Institute is focused on the pre-award, and the overarching goals of VOLARÉ are to catalyze research enterprise (RE), which is a collective framework of people, institutions, processes, and resources that supports capacity to secure research funding. This is accomplished by:

1. Providing HSIs with a framework for conducting systematic RE needs assessments and collaborative action plans.

2. Forming regional consortia among HSIs to develop and share RE resources and expertise.

3. Offering professional development, mentoring, and coaching to VOLARÉ institutions to pilot new RE strategies and enhance sustainability and growth.

Eligibility Requirements and Selection Criteria:

Eligibility: Current Hispanic-Serving Institutions and HACU-members.

Selection Criteria: Cohorts will be selected based on criteria such as support from campus leadership, faculty engagement in research, existing research enterprise capabilities, growth potential, and commitment to data-driven processes.

Participants: Administrative leaders, staff, and faculty.

For more information, see the abstract here

To apply to be part of The VOLARÉ Institute, click here

Program Timeline 2024-2025

July 8 - July 26, 2024 Announce applications, recruit participants
July 26, 2024 Applications due
August 20, 2024 Review applications and select Cohort 1
September 20, 2024 Virtual kickoff meeting
September 24, 2024 Meeting 1: Orientation to RE Assessment Tool
September - November 2024 Campus assessments
October 2024 Meeting 2: HACU meeting featuring events and workshops for cohort
December 2024
Meeting 3: Cohort meeting to present assessments and orientation to RE Action Plan Tool
December 2024 - January 2025 Consortium forming
February - April 2025 Campus action planning
February 2025 Meeting 4: Virtual overview of the upcoming in-person event, including an overview of NSF GRANTED
 April 2025 Meeting 5: Virtual research enterprise financial model workshop; Attend NCURA Pre-Award Meeting
 May 2025 Meeting 6: In-person 3-day meeting, present action plans, workshops on action implementation; Attend NORDP meeting
 May - July 2025 Mentoring to implement action plans and write GRANTED proposals
 July 2025 Meeting 7: Virtual recognition event, end of program


Don't miss this opportunity to participate in shaping the future of research at your institution and across HSIs nationwide.

For more details and to apply, click here.