Voces Nuevas 

With support from Capital One, the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities is pleased to announce its new student advocacy program: Voces Nuevas. 

Program Description:

Voces Nuevas Program (translated in English to New Voices) is a student advocacy and leadership program designed to elevate, uplift, and empower undergraduate students’ voices and experiences. Through the Voces Nuevas Program, students will be equipped with advocacy and leadership skills to enable them to effectively voice their concerns and to devise strategic actions that will promote the development of innovative socially conscious solutions at the local, state, and national levels. Collectively, this pilot program aims to empower students to enact change in their communities to improve Hispanic educational and economic outcomes. 


Program Components:

  • Guest presentations facilitated online by speakers, researchers, and/or decision-making stakeholders on related advocacy topics and matters [open to all HACU-member students interested in the Voces Nuevas Program]. 
  • HSInnovator workshopsled by HACU's Government Relations team to train students on HACU's advocacy priorities. These workshops are conducted online [open to all HACU-member students interested in the Voces Nuevas Program]. 
  • Training modules on various topics, such as education policy, power mapping, policy briefs, and advocacy strategies. These training modules will be provided online and will be self-paced. Upon completing all training modules online, students will earn a certification of completion [open to selected students].
  • Orientation webinar to highlight program expectations and provide participating students with guidance on logistical support [provided to students selected to complete training modules online]. 
  • Attendance and participation at HACU’s Annual National Capitol Forum, which will include attending information sessions and congressional meetings in Washington, D.C. April 29-30, 2025 [open to selected students completing training modules online]*.

*Students must complete a portion of the training modules online to be considered to attend HACU's Annual National Capitol Forum in Washington, D.C in April 2025. Applications to be considered for this sponsored opportunity will open December 2024.


Voces Nuevas offers the following benefits to students:

  • Opportunity to engage with like-minded students and professionals to generate a more equitable educational pipeline for Hispanic students through training of HACU’s legislative priorities. 
  • Receive up-to-date communications on HACU-supported advocacy issues.
  • Exposure to networking opportunities with HACU representatives, leaders of colleges and universities, public policymakers, allied organizations, and other corporate/federal partners for learning and mentorship opportunities. 
  • Opportunity to further develop their leadership and advocacy skills through online, self-paced training modules. 
  • Paid trip to Washington, D.C. to attend HACU’s Annual Capitol Forum.*

*Students must complete a portion of the training modules online to be considered to attend HACU's Annual National Capitol Forum in Washington, D.C. in April 2025. Applications to be considered for this sponsored opportunity will open December 2024. 


Ideal candidates are undergraduate students of all academic majors who are eager to engage with other students, committed to issues related to Hispanic success, and interested in advocacy and/or public policy. To be considered, applicants must:

Enrollment Process:

Enrollment for the Voces Nuevas Program will open in July 2024.