Levels of International Symposium Sponsorship/Partnership and Benefits

Sponsorship Opportunities

Platinum Sponsor $20,000

• Opportunity to participate as a panelist at the Student Track.
• Opportunity to present in one of the concurrent sessions or workshops.
• Opportunity to distribute promotional items to all symposium participants during one selected Premier Symposium Event* and at registration area tables.
• Recognition as sponsor of a Premier Symposium Event*, to include a 5–6-minute speaking opportunity and   placement of logo as a sponsor on signage for this event.
• One full-page color advertisement in the International Symposium Program.
• Up to 6 full complimentary conference registrations.
• Complimentary Exhibitor Table.
• Recognition of sponsorship to include logo placement in conference materials, publications, and on HACU’s “featured sponsors” webpage.

Gold Sponsor $15,000

• Recognition as sponsor at a Luncheon Event to include a 2-3 minute speaking opportunity on behalf of your organization and placement of logo as sponsor on signage for this event.
• One full-page color advertisement in the International Symposium Program.
• Up to 4 full complimentary symposium registrations.
• Recognition of sponsorship to include logo placement in symposium materials, publications, and on HACU's "featured sponsors" webpage.

Silver Sponsor $10,000

• Recognition as sponsor at all Coffee Breaks and placement of logo as sponsor on signage for all breaks.
• One full-page color advertisement in the International Symposium Program.
• Up to 3 full complimentary symposium registrations.
• Recognition of sponsorship to include logo placement in symposium materials, publications, and on HACU's "featured sponsors" webpage.

Bronze Sponsor $5,000

• Recognition as sponsor of the Cyber Cafe and placement of logo as sponsor on signage at Cyber Cafe.
• One half-page color advertisement in the International Symposium Program.
• Up to 2 full complimentary conference registrations.
• Recognition of sponsorship to include logo placement in symposium materials, publications, and on HACU's "featured sponsors" webpage.

In-Kind Contributions

The institutions or organizations that wish to be sponsors by making in-kind contributions can do so by providing
the following:

• Equipment, staff and interpretation specialists for English- Spanish translation.
• Printing of programs and materials for the symposium in English and Spanish.
• Audio Visual Equipment.
• Conference bags or Padfolios for the participants.
• Support staff to help HACU staff during the symposium. Individuals can include technical personnel to handle the audiovisual equipment and assistants or guides to help during the presentations and other events.
• Special gifts or souvenirs to be donated to symposium attendees.
• Free performances of musical or cultural groups at symposium events.
• Professional photographer to cover all three days of the symposium.
• Sponsorship of guided visits (tours) to universities or other attractions in the region.

All in-kind contributors will be recognized as sponsors according to the cash equivalent levels listed above.

Download a sponsorships pdf here - CLICK THIS LINK

If you'd like to purchase a sponsorship, - COMING SOON!

For more information regarding sponsorships and partnerships, or to customize a package, please contact:

Office of Development
ispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU)
4801 NW Loop 410, Suite 701 | San Antonio, TX 78229
(210) 692-3805 (voice) | (210) 692-0823 (fax) | development@hacu.net