U.S. Census Bureau: for general demographic information.
Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program - Title V: for information and links to other pages about Title V program.
Promoting Postbaccalaureate Opportunities for Hispanic Americans: for information about HSI graduate education program in Title V, Part B.
National Center for Education Statistics: for education statistics from the Department of Education. See links to IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) under "Surveys and Programs/Postsecondary," annual "Condition of Education" and "Digest of Education Statistics" under "Annual Reports," and "College Navigator" under "School, College, and Library Search."
Excelencia in Education: follow links under "Research" tab for brief online research papers on Hispanic-Serving Institutions and Hispanic higher education, including information about institutions with promising practices.
Pew Hispanic Center: for variety of research information about Hispanic issues. Click on "Education" under "Topic Index" for list of recent online Pew research on Hispanic education topics.
Tomas Rivera Policy Center: another good source of research on Hispanic issues. Click on "Education" under "Research."
Educational Policy Institute: includes international context, but see also, for example, under "Publications," "An Annotated Bibliography of Latino Educational Research" (http://www.educationalpolicy.org/pdf/Latino%20Bibliography.pdf).
Education Testing Service (ETS): click on the "Research" tab.
Education Trust: for information on K-16 initiatives, achievement gap, etc.
Higher Education Research Institute (UCLA): home of the CIRP (Cooperative Institutional Research Program).
Institute for Higher Education Policy: for policy-oriented research in higher education.
National Forum on Higher Education for the Public Good: promoting awareness to the public service role of higher education in the United States
National Forum Report on "Examining the Financial Resilience of Hispanic-Serving Institutions"
In 2003-5, HACU worked with a Task Force of STEM educators to produce "A National Study of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education at Hispanic-Serving Institutions" with a grant from NSF. The Report of that task force is available here.