U.S. Census Bureau: for general demographic information.
Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program - Title V: for information and links to other pages about Title V program.
Promoting Postbaccalaureate Opportunities for Hispanic Americans: for information about HSI graduate education program in Title V, Part B.
National Center for Education Statistics: for education statistics from the Department of Education. See links to IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) under "Surveys and Programs/Postsecondary," annual "Condition of Education" and "Digest of Education Statistics" under "Annual Reports," and "College Navigator" under "School, College, and Library Search."
Excelencia in Education: follow links under "Research" tab for brief online research papers on Hispanic-Serving Institutions and Hispanic higher education, including information about institutions with promising practices.
Pew Hispanic Center: for variety of research information about Hispanic issues. Click on "Education" under "Topic Index" for list of recent online Pew research on Hispanic education topics.
Tomas Rivera Policy Center: another good source of research on Hispanic issues. Click on "Education" under "Research."
Educational Policy Institute: includes international context, but see also, for example, under "Publications," "An Annotated Bibliography of Latino Educational Research" (http://www.educationalpolicy.org/pdf/Latino%20Bibliography.pdf).
Education Testing Service (ETS): click on the "Research" tab.
Education Trust: for information on K-16 initiatives, achievement gap, etc.
Higher Education Research Institute (UCLA): home of the CIRP (Cooperative Institutional Research Program).
Institute for Higher Education Policy: for policy-oriented research in higher education.
National Forum on Higher Education for the Public Good: promoting awareness to the public service role of higher education in the United States
National Forum Report on "Examining the Financial Resilience of Hispanic-Serving Institutions"
In 2003-5, HACU worked with a Task Force of STEM educators to produce "A National Study of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education at Hispanic-Serving Institutions" with a grant from NSF. The Report of that task force is available here.
The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, founded in 1986, represents more than 500 colleges and universities in the United States, Latin America, Spain, and school districts throughout the U.S. HACU programs and services are available to all students, faculty, and staff at HACU-member institutions. The Association’s headquarters are in San Antonio, Texas, with regional offices in Washington, D.C., Sacramento, California and Chicago, Illinois.