Submission deadline: Now closed! - Deadline extended to March 14
Notification of proposal acceptance: April 1
To download the Call for Presentations Guideline, please click here.
The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities is seeking workshop proposals for its in-person 39th Annual Conference to be held on November 1-3, 2025. Proposals are welcomed from individuals with an interest in sharing innovative programs, partnerships, and services for the advancement of underserved student populations in higher education as it relates to the theme "Championing Hispanic Higher Education Success: Forging Transformational Leaders to Uplift Democracy and Prosperity."
The sample topics included within each track are provided as suggestions, and additional relevant topics are welcomed and encouraged.
Track 1: Capacity-Building for Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) and Emerging HSIs
Topics may include:
- Private and corporate foundation grant opportunities
- Researching and writing a winning proposal
- Innovative funding opportunities focused on student and faculty development
- Leading a campus-wide team through a proposal submission
- Transitioning from HSI designation to student success
- Effective partnerships between HSIs and emerging HSIs
- The process of obtaining an HSI designation
- Effective alumni engagement practices and strategies
Track 2: Teaching and Learning
Topics may include:
- High impact teaching practices such as learning communities, experiential learning, and supplemental instruction
- Integrating new technologies in education (AI Software, Learning Management Systems, Gamification, Adaptive Technology, etc.)
- Leveraging data to guide practice
- Delivering forward-thinking bridge programs to enhance STEM pathways
- Creating practices in the classroom that prioritize inclusiveness and fairness (discipline specific, interdisciplinary, etc.)
- Creating pathways that support college readiness (dual enrollment, summer bridge, P-Tech, etc.)
Track 3:Student Engagement and Success
Topics may include:
- High impact practices in access, retention, and graduation for undergraduate and graduate students
- Systems of support to ensure student well-being, such as mental health services and student advocacy centers
- Programs and services that enable social and economic mobility
- Serving diverse student populations (low income, underserved, first generation, veterans, etc.)
- Effective practices for DACA students
- Successful transfer programs between community colleges and universities
- Effective partnerships between PreK-12 and postsecondary education
Track 4:Excellence in Leadership
Topics may include:
- Developing your own cohort of institutional leaders
- High impact practices in developing high-performance teams
- Developing leadership capacity throughout the organization
- Strategies for fostering diverse perspectives and decision-making.
- How to assess leadership effectiveness: metrics, methods, and impact
- Mentorship, sponsorship, and coaching models to build talent throughout the organization
Track 5:Federal and State Advocacy, Policy and Research
Topics may include:
- State legislation that impacts HSIs and Hispanic students
- Federal and state resources for HSIs
- Research and policy analysis on Hispanic student success in HSIs and HSSDs
- Policy as it relates to serving high need student populations
- Federal agency/HSI partnership grants and research opportunities
Track 6:Global Engagement
Topics may include:
- The role of international education
- Cultivation of renewed faculty engagement in internationalization efforts and curriculum development
- New models for comprehensive and inclusive internationalization
- Research in international education as a catalyst for expanding global engagement
- Sustainable development and environmental initiatives
Track 7:Preparing the Future Workforce
Topics may include:
- Responding to industry trends through micro-credentialing, certifications, online programs and stackable courses
- High impact practices for adult learners (ABE, GED, returning students, etc.)
- Effective partnerships in the evolving workforce
- Successful community college practices for students entering the workforce
- Successful guided pathway models
- Aligning curriculum for high-skilled industries
- Leveraging workforce agencies to improve student employment opportunities
HACU Conference Format
HACU’s Annual Conference features general sessions with speakers, and conference track sessions featuring individual presenters, panel discussions, informative workshops, and facilitated discussions.
Sessions are 75 minutes in length, including time for questions and discussion. We accept the following:
Session formats:
- Presentation workshop: A session focused on sharing topics of interest, lessons learned, or evidence of impact related to the proposed topic. This type of interactive session is composed of one to three presentations in a specific area.
- Panel session: An opportunity to provide insights and guidance from several subject matter experts. A panel session composed of two or three presentations on different aspects of a specific topic.
- Facilitated discussion: Session on a proposed topic where attendees are invited to share challenges and solutions through conversational engagement and exchange.
No more than four individuals may serve on a panel or workshop session.
In some instances, the HACU review committee may suggest combining presentations similar in content into one workshop or panel.
All conference rooms will be set up to accommodate the maximum number of conference participants possible. LCD projectors, laptops and screens are available to presenters at no cost. Additional equipment, such as speakers and internet can be available at an additional cost to presenters.
Submission Guidelines
Proposals submitted under the seven tracks should be built upon:
- Evidence-based best practices that can be replicated at institutions and organizations across the country.
- Partnerships among institutions, school districts, industry and government that leverage and capitalize on growth and opportunities.
- Research and analysis that will form the foundation for transformational change.
Submissions must include the following:
- Presentation Title (10-word limit)
- Presentation Abstract (50-75 word limit) – A brief description to be included in the conference program
- Presentation Plan (50 word limit) – A brief description that provides an overview of expected audience involvement. Interactive presentations are highly encouraged.
- Presentation Summary (250-300 word limit) – Extended description of proposal for committee review. Proposals will be reviewed for relevance to 2025 conference theme, thoroughness, clarity and expected learning outcomes. HACU reserves the right to edit summaries of accepted presentations for inclusion in the conference program.
- More than one proposal may be submitted, but only one will be accepted per presenter.
- The first presenter listed on the submission form is the lead contact and will provide all contact information for co-presenters to HACU. This individual is responsible for disseminating all correspondence from HACU to co-presenters as well as organizing and facilitating the presentation. All presenters are required to register for the conference and will be able to register at a discounted conference registration rate at $270 before May 31, 2025. After May 31, 2025 the discounted conference registration rate is $390
- Presentation proposals must be submitted online and will be accepted until Now closed! - Deadline extended to March 14
- Notifications of HACU workshop committee decisions will be made by April 1, 2025
For questions or additional information regarding the Call for Presentation, please contact:
Darlene Martin
Conference Manager