Through a partnership between the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities and Dominion Energy, the Building Hispanic Talent Initiative aims to increase the number of Hispanic undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing careers in clean energy and more specifically, career opportunities at Dominion Energy. For more information about HACU and its partnership with Dominion Energy, please click here.
Through this initiative, seven partner institutions were charged with implementing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) summer bridge programs aimed to help high school students build an identity as a college student and eventually become a STEM/energy professional. The institutions chosen to pilot this initiative are as follows. For more information on specific summer bridge programs, please click the institution's name.
Below are key findings and data from the first two years of the Building Hispanic Talent Initiative.
The Building Hispanic Talent Initiative is helping partnering institutions raise Hispanic enrollment to become Hispanic Serving Institutions over time. In year one, every summer bridge program exceeded their respective institutions percentage of Hispanic enrollment. This puts institutions on track to raise Hispanic enrollment as a part of the talent pipeline.
High school summer bridge participants experienced high levels of success in collegiate coursework through tutoring support and exploration seminars embedded into summer bridge programs.
Summer bridge programs were intentional in molding future STEM and energy professionals by supporting students to succeed in college level STEM courses for credit and offering exploration activities. These exploration activities included: