June 23, 2020

HACU Statement on California Budget Compromise

SACRAMENTO, CA – The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities’ President and CEO Antonio R. Flores has issued the following statement in response to the 2020-2021 State Budget Compromise between Governor Newsom and the California Legislature:

“We are disheartened that the Governor and Legislature decided on a budget that deeply cuts higher education funding even more than previously proposed. The CSU and UC will lose an almost $1 billion combined under this proposal while the Community Colleges will be facing significant deferrals that will require them to use their reserves or borrow monies. These devastating cuts come as the number of Hispanic-Serving Institutions in California increases to 176, and the number of Latino students continues to increase.

“We recognize these are difficult times but urge the Legislature to find additional funds to provide both access and success to California’s underserved students, including our undocumented student populations. The state of California cannot continue to exacerbate the inequity problems in this state by underfunding higher education. HACU also looks forward to working with Governor Newsom and the Legislature in advocating for additional federal resources for higher education.”

About HACU:
HACU, founded in 1986, represents more than 500 colleges and universities in the United States, Puerto Rico, Latin America, Spain and school districts throughout the U.S. HACU is the only national association representing existing and emerging Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). The mission of HACU is to Champion Hispanic Success in Higher Education. The Association’s headquarters are located in San Antonio, Texas, with regional offices in Washington D.C., and Sacramento, California. Information is available at www.hacu.net.